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罗雁 LuoYan

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Тихон Самарцев In general, probably, there is no sense in starting to cut out if the pattern is not good or does not like something (when the zhuang failed). It takes me a lot of time to draw a drawing, I have to erase and redraw a lot of times, so when the seal is ready, it’s a pity to destroy it. Although, indeed, it sometimes happens that the seal ceases to like over time, a couple of times I was sewing up old seals …

Inkston There are special practice stones for people to learn the carving which include mastering the pattern too.  🙂 The practice stone is mostly Qing Tian stone. This stone has different grades and you can just choose the cheapest type to start with. If you make a mistake by accident, you can simply erase it with a sandpaper.

Inkston Just another small idea to share. For the pattern, Zhuan Script is the most classic type for sure. There are a lot of books and dictionary to help master the pattern design. You can make a copy first on the stone surface and then fix the stone on a carving ‘station’ (*it is a small wood box to help fix the seal).

Тихон Самарцев Copying … if to say in general, it seems to me not quite right, because after all these things are interesting because they are copyrights, there is a lot of that person who does this, it seems to me important not to lose it at all stages of work above the seal. On the other hand, personally I would gladly use books and dictionaries, but unfortunately I can not find and buy something that could be read. So, basically, Uncle Hansi helps me)

Inkston Тихон Самарцев get an album of ancient Chinese seal designs and copy them is a very common learning practice in China.  🙂 When you copy the classic designs, you learn and develop your own style.