different ways to paint water with ink and brush

Welcome Foros Techniques, Tips and Tricks different ways to paint water with ink and brush

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    • #14484
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Compared to western paintings, it is not always easy to express water in Chinese brush painting. Artist Lu YanShao 陆俨少 had made a special lecture on this subject. The following examples showed us different types of waters.

      YanShao 陆俨少


      waterfallTwo Waterfalls


      Big RiverBig River

      Big RiverOceanOceanOcean

      • Este debate fue modificado hace 6 años, 10 meses por 罗雁 LuoYan.
    • #14492
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Art Works of Lu YanShao 陆俨少

      Lu YanShao 陆俨少 Lu YanShao 陆俨少

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