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  • Auteur
    • #15157

      How does a carver choose a chinese name when your europian?

    • #15256
      罗雁 LuoYan
      Maître des clés

      Hi riekjecares,

      I would prefer to choose a name which can combine your European name’s pronunciation and the meaning. To be specific, I would like to choose some Chinese characters which have similar sound and then select the most suitable character which can represent your European name’s meaning most. There are many Chinese characters have same/ similar sound. Therefore, it is not that difficult to select your own characters. If you need to find any one, please do not hesitate to send me a private message and I would be happy to discuss it with you till we find a nice name. 😉

    • #19973

      Hi All,

      following up on Riekjecares’s post and the topic of names, I would like to know if you can suggest any good source that can lead you to choose your Chinese name. Since I would really like to have a seal carved, I want to first of all choose a good Chinese name to start with.

      Any book you can recommend in English that guides you through this is more than welcome!


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