Where to buy Alum Powder in your country?

Welcome Foros Product Questions Mounting Where to buy Alum Powder in your country?

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    • #14366
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Alum powder is widely used for Chinese painting/ calligraphy and it is an important material for mounting. However, it is not economic to buy it from China and ship it internationally to my address. Where can I get it easily and economically?



    • #14411

      In Germany one can get alum from any local pharmacy. It is called by chemical name: Aluminiumkaliumsulfat Dodecahydrat (Alumen).

      I bought the smalled unit at 100 grams.

    • #14563
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Amr suggested,

      It seems powdered alum for paper treatment is available at good prices in the US. Here is one example product:


      It is available on Amazon for less than $9.00 per pound.


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