How to make natural glue?

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  • Auteur
    • #14153
      罗雁 LuoYan
      Maître des clés

      I want to make some natural mounting glue at home but I do not know if there are any special instructions I need to follow. Could you give me some suggestions? Thank you!

    • #14171
      罗雁 LuoYan
      Maître des clés

      Making mounting glue at home

      Materials: 500g fine-ground flour, 10g (2 teaspoons) fine alum powder, warm water, rolling pin

      (you can find all these materials easily at a local supermarket.)

      Step 1, leave 500g fine-ground flour in bowl and add 10g fine alum powder in the middle of the flour powder. It is not recommended to mix the flour and alum powder now.
      Step 2, add small amount of warm water into the mixture and use the rolling pin to mix the powder and water so that it become sticky. Then, keep mixing the mixture to the same direction while using the other hand to pour hot water into it. Stop once the glue is sticky while not too liquid. The whole process of step 2 should not be over 15 minutes.
      Step 3, add clean hot water into the glue liquid without further mixing the water and the glue. Then leave the bowl for a while. This is to make the glue ‘steamed’ by hot warm water. Leave it for a while and then get rid of the water.

      Step 4, use clean hands to tap the surface of the liquid glue gently.

      Step 5, add clean cold water on the surface of the glue and leave it. Then the glue is ready. Whenever need to mount, you can simply take one small portion of the glue and then diluted it in clean water before use.

      • Cette réponse a été modifiée le il y a 6 années et 8 mois par 罗雁 LuoYan.
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