New Seal Paste in package

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    • #18752

      Hello all:

      I recently purchased a package of the wonderful dark red seal paste – Xiling Brand Refill 30 g in bag. I am just wondering whether it is ready to use or do I need to stir it? Or prepare it somehow?  It is very ‘gummy’ or sticky, so using it with a stone seal is the only way – it does not seem to be easy to use.

      Any thoughts about this?

      Thank you!

    • #18780
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Hi hanayama, could you send us one photo of the paste with packaging, one photo of the paste itself?

    • #18794

      Hello Yan,

      I can show you some pictures.  When I received the paste (which I purchased from a very reliable supplier in California) it was in a plastic bag. I then transferred it to a ceramic seal paste dish with a lid.   That was a very messy job!  The other picture is after I put the paste into the ceramic dish.  Please note that the camera light makes it look more shiny or oily,  but actually it is not so shiny.  Any comments are very helpful, thank you!

      Here is the package.

    • #18808

      I tried to send pictures, but it looks like my post disappeared!  Here they are again.  First picture is the Xiling dark red seal paste in the package as received.  Next picture is after I transferred it to the ceramic dish – a very messy and rather unpleasant task! Please note that the flash in my camera makes the paste look shiny, but it is not actually so shiny.

      Any comments are appreciated! Thank you, Yan!


    • #19227
      罗雁 LuoYan

      yes, it is ready to use. You need to stir it frequently. Please do not use metal products to touch the paste. Every time you finish using the paste, remember to wrap it with cling film. 🙂  We once wrote one article about seal paste, and I think you might be interested.

      Chinese Seal Paste

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