"SU" ink vs Fresh ink

Welcome Forums Questions & Answers "SU" ink vs Fresh ink

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    • #15473


      I was always taught to make fresh ink, because to use ‘old’ ink is to use ‘dead’ ink.  I’ve read on the site that there is a technique called “Su” ink or overnight ink, where ink is used the next day. What is the purpose or thought behind this?  Does the ink age enough overnight so that it is a different colour or texture? I am really interested to find out. Thank you.

    • #15508
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Hello! glad that finally this is noticed by someone. 🙂 Su Ink is called 宿墨. The great Chinese artist 黄宾虹 Huang Bin Hong used this special technique for most of his paintings and he is also famous for this style.

      Our friend Wang Zirang, a famous artist in China, follows 黄宾虹Huang Bin Hong’s style. You can read our interview with him. In this interview, he talks about this special technique.

      Su Ink painting tips: https://www.inkston.com/stories/people/wang-zirang-ink-painting/

      Wang Zi Rang’s gallery:  https://www.inkston.com/stories/art/wang-zirang-%E6%B1%AA%E5%AD%90%E8%AE%A9-painting-gallery-joy-su-ink/

      As for me, I tried to make some ‘overnight ink’ myself. I used Old Hu Kai Wen’s high grade natural inkstick to make fresh ink and then left it in reservoir for a couple of days. The glue used for making these high end inkstick is animal gelatin. And the ink itself is very thick and dark. It is nice. But I don’t like to always have the smell of ink through the house, probably it would be better if I had a separate studio. :p


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by moqiao.
    • #15631
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Comment from facebook:

      Raymond Cheng It depends on what you want to do with it, ink left overnight tend to be more solid and less transparent, i use it to write larger size calligraphy, and find it helps the brush strokes go freer…..

    • #15652

      Hi Raymond,

      Thanks, this is exactly the information I needed to understand the use of Su ink.  I will give this a try with my best sticks- I would imagine that quality ink sticks are better to make good Su ink with. Thank you!

      • #16236
        罗雁 LuoYan

        Su Ink can also help avoid the fuzziness of painting. Yes, quality inksticks are the best choice to make Su Ink. This is a famous painting technique used by Huang BinHong. Some of his paintings are very thick and you will find that actually he paints both sized of the paper, which even further makes the painting thicker and darker.

    • #16258

      hi luoyan

      this is really interesting…you have shared some unique information. i will have a look at this artist’s work.

      thank you!

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