What type of mounting table should I use?

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    • #13738
      罗雁 LuoYan

      My first plan is to find a good drying board for letting the wet-mounted painting dry. Do you know if there is a preferred material? I am thinking smooth plastic or varnished wood.

    • #13739
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Compared to plastic, I prefer varnished wood.

      Two areas are needed for mounting. One is a mounting table (wood is preferred), and the other is mounting wall (traditionally wood, but now metal wall is getting popular).

      Mounting table: traditionally, it is recommended to use dark colour painted wood table of around 80cm height. In the beginning of our article there is one mounting video clip done by British Museum. The table used in this video clip is a perfect example.


      mounting table

      Table height is up to the height of the person who is going to do the mounting work. In China the recommended table height is 80cm. In Europe and North America, the table may be higher.

      Table surface should be flat. The size of the table is up to the size of the painting which you plan to mount. However, normally the bigger the table is the better.

      Table Colour should be dark. In order to help detect the details, it is very important to make the table painted in dark colour so that it can create big colour contrast when mounting painting which is done on white paper. The popular colour for mounting table in China is dark red.


      For the mounting, you need to prepare a ruler and a cutting mat with scales. The cutting mat can help protect the wood table surface and help locate the mounting papers better.

      Mounting wall: The purpose of preparing a flat mounting wall is to hang painting. Therefore, as long as it is flat it is good. You can hang a piece of flat wood on flat wall in your house. Or, you can reuse a wooden door. These days, it is very popular for people to use large magnetic board on wall because we can fix the paintings easily without using glue.


      • #14105
        Shirley Lin Kinoshita I use varnished hardboard. I’ve found it better not to place red seal signature until after painting is mounted & dried. The red paste tends to soak through the paper right onto the board and leave stained area.
        Yan Luo Ah, great comment! In fact some clients have talked with us on the seal paste issue! We consulted one mounting master in Shanghai and he gave us two tips: first, try to use high grade cinnabar seal paste which has perfect control of oil; second, you can also try to put the painting in a clean plastic bag. Seal the bag and steam it. This second tip will help ´lock´ the ink on paper.

        Gail Threinen Just a plain wooden board, unvarnished, maybe 3/4″ thick works best. I tried a laminate (plastic coated) board and the glue wouldn’t stick. I’ve used the same board for years. After I cut the dried painting off the board, I just tear off loose paper and leave the rest and have used these boards over and over. I usually put my red chop on the painting after it is mounted.

        Image may contain: plant and indoor
        Liliane Berthelet Tourtaud Personnellement j’utiliserais du bois ou un carton très rigide. Le plastique n’étant pas absorbant
        Reyes Muñoz Yo también estoy montando sobre madera tipo panel sin barniz y lo dejo que seque ahí y queda muy bien
    • #14179
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Steve Lucas I just use a Masonite panel.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by 罗雁 LuoYan.
    • #14186
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Meredith McPherson Interesting to read various techniques! Thanks for sharing your insights. I like to affix my seal before wet mounting because it is sealed in (no pun intended) during the process. I agree with Yan Lou that a high quality seal paste is important. I’ve used plexiglass sheets for wet mounting drying boards with success for , ahem, decades. Lightweight and easy to store.

    • #14193
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Liliane Berthelet Tourtaud Je me disais que le plexiglas devait rendre le séchage plus long….

    • #14203
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Liliane Berthelet Tourtaud c’est un verre “synthétique” qui ne respire pas
      Le bois respire et est une matière noble
      Le plexiglass est utile lorsque l’on met la colle pour la propreté de la face de l’encre ou peinture et le bois est très bien comme fond solide de l’ouvrage car la colle adhère bien ( il y a de bons contreplaqués de différentes épaisseurs pour cela
      Ce n’est que mon ressenti je ne suis pas professionnelle

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by 罗雁 LuoYan.
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