
Welcome Forums Questions & Answers Pigments

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    • #18524

      I bought pigments Jiang Si Xu Tang, but I don’t exactly how to prepare them.

      Is it necessary to grind them first?

      The quantity of water

      Do you know any tutorials?

    • #18531

      Hi nurimmas,


      Yes, you need to grind them and add some clean water drops to the color. Or add water drops to the pigments and then grind them. If you are familiar with using gelatin/ glue, you can also play the pigments with extra gelatin/ glue to create special effects.


      We have uploaded some photos on this page about colour preparation:





      • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by moqiao.
    • #18571

      Many thanks?

    • #18675
      罗雁 LuoYan

      You´re welcome! 🙂 It would be great to talk with you on more possibilities with these natural pigments.

    • #19266

      Can I make the Paint, from pigments with glue on a glass plate with a glass muller?

      As Western colors are made, or do I really need a mortar and pestle for that.

      It takes a long time to get the mortar clean again for the next color.

    • #19835

      Unfortunately, I came so late to make some colors and it is easier than I thought. 🙂


      I went after this instruction.

      I have resolved too much gelatin, because it may be too fluid for me.
      No problem I used less glue and added some water.

      I do not know why, but my colors glitter a bit. ???
      I used pure pigments from Kremer.

      Yellow ocher light, golden ocher, green earth and Venetian red I made.

      The gold ocher was too orange for me, then I made yellow ocher color.
      Is it really normal, if I want to use the color again, that I have to warm up the color briefly?

      So I can use it, otherwise dissolves very little color.

    • #19872
      罗雁 LuoYan

      Hi Askialuna, thanks a lot for your nice posts here! There has some interesting discussions on our forum about your post:


      Shǒu Bì Qiáng Zhuàng I was thinking….. I am in the process of creating a beautiful video explaining why I have transitioned from Maries newer and disgustingly packaged bursting watercolor paint tubes to Sakura’s Watercolor who not only have a far superior pastel colour hue and texture initial but are more radiant and “go further” because of the opacity of the pigment.
      As a result, is it possible to use a pestle and mortar to re-hydrate shrivelled maries watercolour pigments.
      I spent several hundred pounds when I was in China on maries paints , now, only to find that they have bloated, burst and otherwise dried up.
      To say that I’m p*ss*d off is an understatement.
      But if the pestle and mortar is an option, if I can be bothered enough, I might give it a try when I am in a tight corner for colour… by re-grinding the paint pigment which in all cases is as hard as a rock. .

      Inkston Angie Behrmann we are friend of the Tianya’s boss. They are a nice couple and both are famous artists in China. 🙂

      Shǒu Bì Qiáng Zhuàng Maria Norma Herrera Papp Have you ever tried Sakura? They’re a little on the expensive side but the density of the pigment is little short of astounding. The packing is pristine and the tubes are “open” when you take off the lids.
      Their pastel selection is unusual and has “heavy” colours. I really like them and wish I’d found them before.

      If I find a solution Ill let you know to the Maries issue.

      I think in trying to conform to Western issues of handling lead all your life (and dying young) they haven’t put in enough thought or understanding of the process of migration to newer packaging. Its failing badly.

      Shǒu Bì Qiáng Zhuàng Angie Behrmann Ill look into this.

      Shǒu Bì Qiáng Zhuàng Inkston So this paint is a powder? Like poster paint?

      Inkston Angie Behrmann yes, they are artists and this is not Japanese or sino-Japanese brand. It is 100% Chinese. Their professional grade pigments are not cheap at all.

      Inkston Shǒu Bì Qiáng Zhuàng yes, it is powder. Since it is difficult to ship powder internationally, we still have not found a good way to distribute them. Jiang SiXu Tang is a good option in this case and the quality is very good.

      Shǒu Bì Qiáng Zhuàng Do Yasutomo provide Tubes of paint. I cannot use the little hard bowls of colour. Chinese art doesnt cater for it. I need it thick sometimes and watery others but primarily I need to mixa nd work the shade using several creamy paints from the tubes.
      I find that the small dishes get so coloured and messy I cannot see where I was.



    • #19873

      Thanks for the compliment. 🙂

      I try to make some colors myself if I can not buy them.

      I just like muted colors.

      I also know the problem with the tubes, but more of inexpensive water color tubes are in the drawer for decades.

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by AskiaLuna.
    • #19879

      This is the result of my irritance with Maries Paints.
      Sick of the ruin and money waste of Maries inability to sell non-exploding paint tubes I have  decided the extra expense of Sakura is worth it.  Tricky to come by but I think inkston.com sell them also, you pay a little extra but hopefully inkston.com  can find some 12 tube boxes.
      ALSO with the 24 tube set you get one tube of GOLD PAINT. Which is Gold Leaf and sparkles like  diamonds in all colours including your black ink. 

      The reason I have changed is because I got tired of the lacking quality of packaging from Maries.

      IF YOU ARE NEW to the Chinese Arts IF you are ok with the cost increase I would recommend Sakura paints. They are mineral  which means they are NOT dyes so by majority of use they mix perfectly with the soot carbon granules of Chinese Soot Ink but moreover they do NOT seperate from the ink when the water pulls it through the fibres of the paper. It will “tide” exactly like the ink does.
      The benefit of this is that the soot does NOT get left behind while the water pulls the colour through the paper fibres leaving a pale colour stain all the way to the edge of the water “tide”.  Which happens with Western paints.

      Another reason why traditionalistically I ONLY use Chinese materials for my Chinese Art because the Chinese were creating these materials thousands of years before the west and they know how it’s done.

      My oppinion of Sakura paints in use?
      The colours are incredibly opaque. What this means is that you use less paint. Because it has incredible covering power.
      Also the radiance of the subtle pastels colours is beautiful.  Its a real joy to mix and watch the reuslts in the bowl and then see it on the paper.
      The “light-fastness” of the paints is reported to be about 98% fast across the spectrum. Which you would expect with mineral based colours.

      And for those intrigued with my Foo Dog seal case….. here he is dissected. 🙂
      I have not put any seal paste in the bowl yet as I have not cut the stones.
      This is another reason getting out into China is worth it because you just see so many things that are NOT on the market to the West.
      Foo Dog Seal Stone case.
      I hope this post was useful to someone who takes the Chinese Arts as seriously as we do.
      Best wishes…
      Neil Armstrong.
      Alias… RaggedyBird.com

      • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by RaggedyBird.
      • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by RaggedyBird.
    • #19882

      Can Inkston.com get something like these Foo Dog Seal Stone Cases??????????????????????????

    • #20587

      I have already seen people simply dissolve these colour chips in room temperature without grinding them, it only takes a little longer.

      I have to dissolve my home made paints with warm water so that I can use them, which is totally impractical when there is no kettle nearby. I suspect that the colour chips and the colors in the porcelain bowls have a different binder than rabbit skin glue because they are so easy to dissolve. Put an ink stick in water at room temperature and it dissolves very little ink, so it has to be grounded to get a lot of ink, which is more gentle than pouring very warm water over it, which would be way too much ink to work with if I could use it to dissolve an entire ink stick.

      I read that the chips are often given as a binder resin and that comes from plants. Which one is used for colour chips?

      I found a video on YouTube where peach sap glue has been added to the ink so that it runs less on the paper and stays moist longer on the palette. Peach sap glue is also a resin and resins are added to paints as binders.

      Gum Arabic would run too much and is not suitable for Xuan paper while peach resin even has the property that the colour runs less and is more suitable.

      As for the Maries colors I have them in a blue box with 18 colors in 9ml tubes, and they are very intense, they were the only ones that were available at Amazon at the time, I should have bought all three packs.

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