Este conjunto tiene 4 volúmenes, todos impresos en chino. Usted puede comprar por separado o todo en conjunto.
Autor: varios
Casa editorial: Casa de la publicación del arte popular 人民 美术 出版社
3ª edición, publicada el 1 de septiembre de 2011
Nombre: 芥子 园 画 传 Chieh Tzu Yuan, o también conocido como Manual del Jardín de Semilla de Mostaza
Idioma: Chino
Volúmenes: 4
A glorious book revealing a lesser known calligraphy style. The images are so well done, clean and clear. These lines and strokes demand the clarity and this book delivers that. I am so impressed and recommend this copybook to calligraphers interested in exploring the style.
A substantial collection of Zhao Mengfu’s cursive work. The images are clean and clear. The book is well constructed and it is easy to pick up details in all the characters. A wonderful book for copying from a master calligrapher. Highly recommend.
This is a terrific book of Zhao Mengfu’s work on the «Luo River Goddess Poem». The original poem is contrasted with various single characters in larger size for more detail. The images are crisp and clean and you can easily pick up brush details in this master’s work. The paper and binding is high quality and at this price Zhao Mengfu as copy material just doesn’t get any better. Highly recommend this to calligraphy students.
Has a beautiful collection of images that are great to learn painting from. This book is black and white and was originally block prints but these prints do represent ink and wash paintings well.
I was excited when I saw the video that shows what it looks like but it’s even more gorgeous when it’s in-front of you. I seriously cannot get enough from this store.
Shipping was fast and amazingly packaged. Each item in order was individually wrapped in tissue paper and bubble wrap. Items came in perfect condition. Will definitely purchase from again.
Petit album très bien conçu : certains caractères du texte de la page de droite sont agrandis sur la page de gauche et permettent ainsi de mieux travailler le style xingshu de ce grand calligraphe.
Dommage qu’il n’existe pas encore chez Inkston des livrets similaires sur Wang Xizhi et Ouyang xun…
aha, aujourd’hui nous discutions de la raison pour laquelle nous n’avons pas Wang XiZhi et OuYang Xun! Wang XiZhi est un gros défi. Nous devrions présenter ce défi à Inkston.
Beautifully printed on a nice weight paper, and nicely presented in a printed envelope. The images have been great reference material for my own landscape work.
rincondereyes( propietario verificado)
Muy recomendable. Es una guía estupenda con los dibujos muy nítidos. El manual es bastante completo