项圣谟 Xiang Sheng Mo Flowers Painting Album

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Author: Xiang Sheng Mo 项圣谟(Ming Dynasty)
Publishing House: China Book Shop 中国书店 1st edition, published on 1 January, 2013
Name: Xiang Sheng Mo Flowers Painting Album
Series Name: Chinese Ancient Painting Collection
Page: 10 pages
ISBN: 7514906878, 9787514906875


Shipping Standard
Standard small packet item
Shipping size 37.2 × 27 × 0.6 cm
Shipping weight 259 g
SKU ink-xsmfp01-9170

Peach Blossoms by 项圣谟 Xiang Sheng Mo (Ming Dynasty, 1597–1658)
Peaches flower early in China and so are revered for their virility. Chinese have cultivated peaches for 8,000 years (according to archeological research in Zhejiang) so it is not surprising that peaches feature largely in ancient Chinese mythology, as a defence against evil (桃木劍 táomù jiàn peach wood sword for exorcising demons), a symbol of longevity (the longevity god 南極老人 Nánjí lǎorén “Old Man of the South Pole” carries a peach), and good luck in love (桃花运 táohuāyùn peach-flower-luck).
In this painting, the poem on the left hand is written by the artist expressing the beauty of the blossoms and transience of beauty, and signed Xiang ShengMo composed this poetry and painted this peach blossom. Then we can see a perfect example of a pair of square name seals, one Ying seal and one Yang seal. This is the traditional way to sign a professional art work.
On the right side, there is another poem on the same theme written by the collector 家珎 Jia Zhen followed by a single round collector’s seal. There is also a rectangular decorative 引首章 Yin Shou seal in the top right corner – see our seal article for more on seal usage.

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