Papel Xuan medio-cocido


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Si le gusta, por favor comparta:

Este es un papel fino de 27 g / m2, en un tamaño grande de 138 x 70 o 138×34,5 cm.

Papel Xuan hecho a mano con recetas tradicionales. Las materias primas incluyen Pteroceltis Tatarinowii, paja de arroz y agua de manantial. El porcentaje de este papel Xuan medio encolado está entre 33% a 38%. Es menos absorbente que el típico papel Xuan crudo. Por lo tanto, es mucho más fácil de controlar. Es perfecto para la pintura y la caligrafía.

Disponible en tamaños de paquete:

  • 25 hojas (34,5 * 138 cm, 0,33 kg de peso neto)
  • 10 + 1 hojas (70 * 138 cm, 0,29 kg de peso neto)
  • 25 hojas (70 * 138 cm, 0.7 kg de peso neto)
  • 50 hojas (70 * 138 cm, 1,3 kg de peso neto)
  • 100 hojas (70 * 138 cm, 2,6 kg de peso neto)

Este documento es adecuado para suminagashi.

Paquete de papel

25 hojas de tamaño grande – envío de paquete estandár 1kg
25 hojas de tamaño medio – envío de paquete estandár 1kg
10 hojas de tamaño completo en envuelto decorativo cilíndrico peso de paquete 1kg aprox.
Paquete de 50 hojas peso de paquete 2kg aprox.
Paquete completo de 100 hojas peso de paquete 4kg aprox.



Recomendado para Sumi-e / pintura china y caligrafía profesional.
Contiene alrededor de 30% a 40% de corteza de Pteroceltis Tatarinowii (青檀 Qing Tan), y 70% o 60% de paja de arroz.

Tamaño Neto
Peso Neto ,,,,
Tamaño embalado [dependiendo de la variación]
Peso embalado [dependiendo de la variación]
SKU ink-ptbss-8970

Pintura de client Raz de inkston,

inkston half sized xuan paper by raz

Discusiones recientes en:半熟宣 BanShuXuan papel Xuan medio-cocido

  • This paper takes washes very well, and holds up to a lot of wet-in-wet. I especially like how pine-soot ink contrasts with the paper’s slightly warm tone. It’s fairly opaque, which makes colors applied to the back very subtle from the front.
    I ordered the half-sheets, and the only issue I have is that they are cut slightly unevenly. I’m cutting them down further to fit my workspace anyway, so this isn’t too inconvenient.

  • Very beautiful paper, it’s also nice it’s in between raw and sized xuan paper, making it perfect if you want to make a painting without an outline, but with details such as cats. The gold flakes come off a little bit when painting but this is very minimal and you will be left with a beautiful result. It has a beautiful shine to it when it is sunlight. It amazes all people around me when I show it to them.

  • Seems like a good, versatile practice paper. The sizing and texture make washes and drybrushing easier than on more absorbent papers I’ve used.

  • I really love this paper! I would absolutely order more of it. I know it’s kind of expensive compared to the machine-made xuan paper, but the high quality of this paper makes it absolutely worth it.

  • Ce papier Gold Fleck Plus est fin, pour moi sa transparence est un plus mais j’aurais dû mieux protéger les bords pour ne pas abimer mon travail à l’encre pour le transport. C’est un papier Xuan semi-traité il est donc facile a travailler pour les débutants, les petites paillettes «d’or» agrémenteront et souligneront le travail munition des peintres.
    Je pense que ma fille sera contente de son cadeau d’anniversaire.

    Je le recommande, il est un bon complément du papier Xuan traditionnel.

  • Beautiful paper. Packaging was very careful. Thank you very much!

  • Magnifique papier, spécialement apprécié en cette période de fêtes pour les souhaits de Noël et de Nouvel An.

  • Paper was very well packed, with loving care and arrived in New Zealand in perfect condition and in good time.
    Paper is absolutely gorgeous and hopefully l can eventually do it justice. Have included picture of first attempt with Xuan paper, as you can see, room for improvement, but personally l am pleased with result and very pleased with the paper. Only problem l have, is which of the papers to try next.
    Thank you ever so much

  • It is very usefull for the next shopping. The sample pack is made very nicely and clearly. All these samples have big dimensions, so it is really good for choosing “the right” type of paper.

  • Very nice selection of papers in this sample. Going to order several of the varieties for different uses – calligraphy, sumi landscapes and …??? All very nice papers and all highly recommended!

  • This was a very nice suprise! The paper looks very good. So nice i wonder do i dare to use it. I like nice paper but it always makes me wonder what if what i drow on it doesnot look good than i have ruined this wonderfull paper…..
    First some pactise than use it to make something beautifull!
    Thank you very much!

  • The Ancient Linen is very different but amazing quality – so much better than the ‘bark’ papers I have bought before in the UK. I think it will work very well for landscape and calligraphy.

  • Sample pack is more like a professional portfolio of the many paper products produced by Inkston. Sample sheets are beyond generously sized and clearly labeled. Also includes reference sheet that is beyond helpful in identifying your substrates characteristics.

    I would also like to take this time to praise Yan LUO for going above and beyond then what would normally be expected. Yan assisted me in finding a paper that i wasn’t even able to describe which made the task a challenge. I have already recommended Inkston to several clients and am beyond confident that they too will recommend Inkston in a heartbeat.

  • Exactly as described and produces better then any in its class.

  • nice paper to paint on.

  • All perfect. Very nice presentation, and paper well protected. I will be able to choose the right paper thanks to this sample package. Thank you

  • Lastly for the paper samples, I really enjoyed how detailed the pack really was. Each paper was labeled and showed what was recommended which I like a lot. It’ll help me pick a new paper once i need more 😀

  • Great quality, holds ink well. Great communication

  • i received this sample pack with my order, i didn’t think it will have so many papers and it was a very pleasant surprise.
    i tried some and will try the rest and it will help me to know which paper to order for my art.
    i am very happy that i discovered Inkston store.

  • Ce papier peu absorbant est de très belle qualité. Il convient parfaitement pour la peinture , notamment en style lignan.

  • I bought this for a present for my son’s new …
    I bought this for a present for my son’s new girlfriend. I don’t know if she has used it yet but I thought it was gorgeous.

  • A real treat!
    Lovely paper and packaging! Perfect for gift giving!

  • Delivery took more than I expected, however product is really good. Also I love how it delicately wrapped. Thank you for cute Christmas messages, too!

  • Price is really good for this variety and quality product!! Loved how it well wrapped.

  • highest quality xuan paper | sample package really useful | thanks so much!

  • Recommended for others who want to experiment
    These are samples not for large paintings but for the price and to try the different varieties of paper, I was more than pleased.
    I used several for small paintings which are now in a show. I would order again and would recommend it to others who want to experiment.

  • Five Stars.
    Perfect. Great quality product. Thank you.

  • Muy buen papel y hermoso por cierto.con esas impresiones doradas que trae.ademas el paquete incluye un muestrario de diferentes papeles,en cuánto color,textura y gramaje.este papel parece conveniente para los que empezamos a probar y no queremos que se esparza demasiado rápido la tinta. Medio encolado o medio cocido suele ir muy bien para acostumbrarnos a la gran absorción que conlleva este gran papel milenario.

  • Your sample packet was very nice with a huge selection of papers. I wish the paper size was a little bit larger to allow more testing of specific brushwork, but I really appreciate that the sample wasn’t small! Your sample packaging is very classy and looks very professional, and the inclusion of the comparison table is great!

  • With my order I received a sample pack. It taken some time till I scathed and tried all of them. Generally it was a very instructive, and the difference between a machine made Xuan papers (I knew these before) and these papers are like chalk and cheese! The papers attributes was a important discovery for me, and there is a distinctive difference between painting and writing papers. Aside from obvious attributes, like softness, thickness, colour.
    These attributes are:
    Thirst, how much a paper keeps the brush stroke and keep the ink contain, preserving gestures from your brush.
    Flow, how much you can move the ink and water on the paper, how long you can alter it before it becomes permanent.
    (All Xuan papers are super absorbent, but there are differences.)
    Painting papers have more flow, writing papers have more thirst, but I found interesting mixtures in both type.
    Thank you for this wonderful experience. It really helped me getting ideas which papers I would like to paint with.
    I would even recommend some for European aquarelle paintings.

  • Bon produit. Papier épais et peu absorbant convenant bien à la peinture chinoise.

  • Xuan non traité ou xuan semi traité
    Apres essai ce papier permet de travailler sans que l encre ou la peinture ne déborde comme sur le papier xuan
    Ç est effectivement ce que j espérais et suis donc satisfaite du résultat
    Mais je reste fidèle au papier xuan non traité qui m est très agréable au contact du pinceau (plus doux)

  • Superbe
    Je viens de le recevoir je ne l ai pas encore testé mais il présente une qualité excellente
    J’apprécie également le raffinement apporté à toute expédition de la part de ce fournisseur

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