Yan, la fondatrice d'inkston.com est originaire de la région de Chengdu au Sichuan. Après le tremblement de terre du Sichuan en 2008, Yan a travaillé…
Dans cet article, Wang Hui 辉 辉 nous parle du style chinois XieYi et d'autres styles de peinture. Shexian, Huizhou, près de Huangshan (Montagne Jaune)…
Huang Guohong (黄国鸿), GongBi painter from Shexian, Huizhou, near Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in Anhui tells us about Chinese GongBi detail Painting.
Galerie de peinture de Tang Yin, 唐寅 1470 - 1524, érudit célèbre, peintre, calligraphe et poète de la dynastie Ming.
Painting Gallery for Lan Ying (蓝瑛), famous Ming Dynasty painter of Shanshui Landscapes and Flower/Bird paintings.
Painting collection of Wang Hui, 王翚 1632 - 1717 one of the best Chinese landscape painters in Chinese art history.
Painting gallery of Yun Shou Ping [恽寿平] (1633-1690) famous for his paintings of flowers and animals.
The story of the old Hu Kai Wen ink workshop and Li Ting Gui ancient inks still made today in old Huizhou in Anhui province.…
Painting gallery for Zhao Mengfu, 赵孟頫 1254-1322, one of the most famous and important calligraphers and painters in Chinese art history.