孙岩(定法),号石痴,安徽歙县人,毕业于安徽师范大学。现为安徽省美术家协会会员,黄山市美术家协会会员,新安画派研究会理事。师从新安画派名家吴辛园,叶瘦谷,主攻山水,其作品崇尚自然,返朴归真,布局严谨,意境幽深,朴茂苍茫,缜密变化,入质入理,精巧中见功夫,深得我国著名美术史论家,画家王伯敏老先生的赏识,王老看其山水作品后欣然书写“能见黄山白岳便是福”书法作品相赠。1999年2月歙县电视台为其做了《新安画派的传人》专题报道,2001年8月黄山电视台又为其做了《新安山水名家》专题报道。作品曾多次在中 国书画报,美术报,安徽日报,黄山日报等报刊发表,并多次参加全国和省市美展。 SunYan (Ding Fa), utilise aussi le nom artistique "Shi Chi" qui signifie quelqu'un qui est passionné par les pierres. Il est diplômé de…
Huang Guohong (黄国鸿), GongBi painter from Shexian, Huizhou, near Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in Anhui tells us about Chinese GongBi detail Painting.
Galerie de peinture de Tang Yin, 唐寅 1470 - 1524, érudit célèbre, peintre, calligraphe et poète de la dynastie Ming.
Painting Gallery for Lan Ying (蓝瑛), famous Ming Dynasty painter of Shanshui Landscapes and Flower/Bird paintings.
Calligraphic Painting gallery from Waina 薇娜 celebrated wildlife artist and Fellow of the Linnean Society, now based in UK - see waina.com
A selection of Song dynasty Gongbi detail paintings with accompanying sketches to help do you paint as described in "How to Paint Gongbihua"
Painting collection of Wang Hui, 王翚 1632 - 1717 one of the best Chinese landscape painters in Chinese art history.
Painting gallery of Yun Shou Ping [恽寿平] (1633-1690) famous for his paintings of flowers and animals.
Painting gallery for Zhao Mengfu, 赵孟頫 1254-1322, one of the most famous and important calligraphers and painters in Chinese art history.