Over 80 handmade Hui inksticks, special mixes for different painting effects, professional, historic & collectible designs from Old Hu Kai Wen in Anhui.
Type: Premium Tung Oil Soot This is a first grade oil soot inkstick from Old Hu Kai Wen. It has an elegant engraving of bird… $36.93 (USD)
NOTE: Old Hu Kai Wen has changed the packaging from the glass box to traditional silk-lined box. Extra fine oil soot inkstick made with ancient… $48.27 (USD)
Soot Type: Qing Black (Oil Soot) Packaging: Cardboard Box Available in two sizes: S - Net Weight: 33 g; M - Net Weight: 64 g. $14.31 – $19.67
Soot Type: Qing Greenish Black (Oil Soot) $14.31 – $19.67
Grade: Superior $68.61 (USD)
Old Hu Kai Wen premium inkstick "Jin Bu Yi" “worth more than gold” is a premium cigar-shaped handmade inkstick. Lightly scented, charcoal colour. Recognised by artists since… $28.84 – $50.82
Premium oil soot black inkstick plated with gold. It is handmade with ancient oil soot recipe. $50.46 (USD)
This is the most valuable handmade oil soot inkstick made by the famous Old Hu Kai Wen. It was made strictly according to ancient oil… $155.52 – $253.28
Type: Premium Oil Soot Net Weight: 56g. Size of the Inkstick: 10.5 * 3 * 1 cm UPC: 601285834924 ASIN: B01N46457S $50.70 (USD)
Type: Premium Oil Soot This is the most famous inkstick in Chinese history. It is represents one of the highest quality inksticks by Old Hu… $81.91 (USD)
Soot Type: Extra Fine Oil Soot It has very beautiful golden bamboo decoration on one side. On the other side, the silver calligraphy is… $41.44 (USD)