It is made Chinese brush craftsmen who have had over 40 years brush making experiences. It is perfect for cursive script and abstract, flower/ birds paintings.
JianHao hair Combination of a core (60-65%) of stiffer weasel hair and the outer layer (35-40%) is of the soft absorbent goat hair. Designed to combine combines the stiffness of 狼毫 Lang Hao Wolf brush (Weasel hair) and the softness and absorbency of the 羊毫 Yang Hao Wool brush (Goat hair).
写意画 Freehand Painting 写意 XieYi, literally “draw meaning” also known as “enjoyable style” is a freehand impressionistic style able to create an impression from few strokes, the opposite of GongBi detail painting.
One of my favorite two brushes , it absorbs a lot of liquid and has a nice flow when painting. In combination with the redstar prunedot and the Inkston 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush” Extra Fine Detail LangHao Wolf brush , you will have a good set of brushes to start off with! The size is also very versatile making it ideal for beginners.
I totally recommend this shop, great customer service, wonderful products, I bought many brushes and they are all great. But this one in particular was not exactly my favorite. I´m not an expert, but I find it too soft, as it is a combination brush I expected something different. After making preasure with the tip it doesn´t spring back and stays bended, not was i was looking for, but it can be useful for other things 🙂
First time I ordered from the company and I’m absolutely satisfied with everything. Brushes are beautiful!! To me the brushes seemed high quality and sturdy. Comfortable to use. I’m absolutely in love with them. Will probably buy more brushes. I’m a beginner so I didn’t know about the glue but once the glue came off the brushes it was great.
I’m new to Chinese brush painting, and this is a great set to start with. The brushes are well made, and continue to keep their points. My only recommendation to other new painters, is to also buy a purely goat hair brush- which is something I ended up ordering later.
Ho intenzione di utilizzarli per l’arte giapponese (Suminagashi marbled paper)
Le tradizioni sono importanti per non dimenticare da dove veniamo e dove stiamo andando.
Grazie Inkston
Beautifully made and great quality, I bought my first Inkston brush months ago and I haven’t bought any brushes from anywhere else. Easily my favorite art supplies.
Me gusta mucho este pincel de combinación de pelo de cabra e interior de comadreja. Retiene mucho agua y al mismo tiempo conserva afilada la punta sin deformarse. La utilizo para pintura en estilo Xieyi
I ordered this one along with the medium and small version. It works as intended, the brushes hold their water and keep their tip with a spring. It is also flexible and distributes colors well.
This is the another brush (beside 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush”) which I use everyday. A real good friend. I recommend it to everyone – and it’s a basic item, so you must have one
Quality Inkston Brush
This is a beautiful brush, excellent for standard and cursive style characters. The point is retained through movement so it’s easy to find the center. Holds a good amount of ink. Nicely constructed, very good price for this quality.
I was happy to see that the GuFa Zhong Bai Yun combination brush was being sold through AmazonUSA. I’ve been looking for cursive and semi-cursive specific brushes. The construction of the brush head is excellent, the point stays sharp through varying pressures and the head holds a good amount of ink. The size is perfect for smaller characters. I am very pleased with the quality. Shipping was very fast as it came from Amazon warehouse. Highly recommend.
Top Qualität
Hatte zuerst Pinsel aus so einem billig Kalligraphie Set (auch von Amazon hier). Diese Pinsel sind um Welten besser und es macht richtig Spaß mit ihnen zu arbeiten. Habe mir auch gleich weitere Produkte von Inkston bestellt. Super Ware, Super Firma – weiter so.
PS: Ich habe den Eindruck die Produkte sind nicht richtig in Amazon eingestellt (Preis pro Gramm???) und teilweise auch falsch benannt (ein Pinsel hieß irgendwas mit “Dienstag”), deswegen findet man die Produkte nicht ganz so einfach (Übersetzungsprobleme?). Lohnt sich aber aufjedenfall danach zu suchen!
Kimmy Bogas on
Beautiful brush.
5 stars.
Great ink brush for the price
Carole Callier
Inkston 0200WsWl 精品兼毫 Extra-large Fine Jian Hao Combination Brush
Très bonne qualité mais trop gros et lourd pour mon usage