黄山灵气 Yellow Mountain Jing Soot Black Inkstick

$8.88 (USD)

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Deep black made from industrially produced oil soot, so provides a value alternative to the inkstick made from hand-produced soot.


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Shipping Free
Small item - no additional shipping charge for this item
Product Size 9.3 × 2.3 × 1 cm
Product Weight 34
Shipping size 11 × 3.3 × 1.2 cm
Shipping weight 41.5 g
SKU ink-ohkwhslq01-7768
UPC 601285835549

Recent discussions in: 净烟 Jing Yan Deep Black Student inkstick (Oil Soot)

  • It’s definitely a good beginner ink. It smells wonderful but it doesn’t render a suuuper deep tone.

    I love to use it for practice!

  • Arrived on time, well packaged, and in great condition. Came with a sheet of rice paper and suggestions for what type of paper to use with the ink. However after I unwrapped the inkstick and put it back in the box it broke on its own several times. It’s fixable but seems a little high maintenance if it broke untouched and in moderate temperature.

    • Dear Jonathan,

      Thank you very much for your very kind feedback! This is extremely helpful! Could you share a photo of the broken inkstick with our team? You can message us directly on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theinkston

      At the same time, I will email you a $10 coupon as a compensation.

      I am really sorry for your bad experience with the product and really appreciate your constructive feedback!

      looking forward to chatting with you shortly!

      Inkston Customer Experience

  • Excellent quality inkstick. Though it’s not as dark as I expected. I wanted a deep black, and this is a more muted shade. On the plus side, it makes for a nice contrast with the Big Fortune Quan Soot Black Inkstick – which is the deeper black I was looking for.

  • The ink seems good so far. I did find that it had a piece of grit in it that scratched up my ink stone though. I cut off that part of the ink stick and it works fine now.

  • Very nice beginner inkstick – will purchase again. Highly recommended!

  • Hablar de estas barras de tinta se me hace complicado.
    He pasado de ser usuario experimental (las utilizo como acuarela para ilustraciones) a ser coleccionista.
    Pura belleza.
    Son objeto de culto.
    La calidad es premium. Lo más de lo más.
    La cuna del nacimiento de la tinta sabe bien como producir artesanalmente la tinta mas duradera, estable y delicada del mundo.
    Quien la descubre, repite.

  • question de taille
    produit conforme à la photo et au descriptif mais je n’avais pas pris garde à la taille d’où une mauvaise surprise quand j’ai reçu le bâton… 4 fois moins de matière que dans un bâton d’encre tel qu’on le trouve usuellement dans le commerce… Je souligne donc ce point pour ceux qui seraient comme moi marqués par le prix car c’est de fait au final une fausse bonne affaire comparé à ce qu’on peut trouver en commerce.

  • Buena barra! Compra verificada

    Barra de muy buena consistencia y perfectamente embalada. En mi caso viene con papel Sumi de muestra, lo cual agradezco. El tamaño de la barra es adecuado, ni muy grande, ni muy pequeña y el granulado del hollín es super fino, así que no se nota al fabricar la tinta ni obstruye las plumillas. 10/10

  • Bellissimo!
    La presentazione del prodotto è eccezionale! troverete il vostro bastoncino di inchiostro con un disegno colorato su un lato e nell’altro una scritta.
    Funzionale e abbastanza veloce ( se si fa pratica) , forse inzialmente l’ ho trovato un pò chiaro.
    Nella spedizione compresa nel prezzo ho trovato un bellissima sorpresa, una bustina finemente imbustata con una bella striscia di Carta di riso.
    Cosa dire? Wow. Incominciate a disegnare e scrivere!

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