Cinnabar Cinnabar or Vermillion is the naturally occurring mineral mercury sulphide (HgS). Inorganic mercury such as the mercury found in cinnabar is the least toxic form of mercury and has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, ancient Roman makeup, Hindu Bindi forehead marking and Sindoor hair marking but should still be considered toxic and handled with care, especially in powder form. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention states:
Inorganic Mercury: When eaten in large amounts, some inorganic mercury compounds can be very irritating and corrosive to the digestive system. If repeatedly eaten or applied to the skin over long period of time, some inorganic mercury compounds can cause effects similar to what is seen with long term mercury vapor exposure, including neurological disturbances, memory problems, skin rash, and kidney abnormalities.
There is uncertainty about how poisonous cinnabar is and about the amount required to produce dangerous effects. Scientists generally recommend that we limit our exposure to all mercury compounds, however, including inorganic mercury.
People using cinnabar are warned not to inhale cinnabar dust and to be very careful when breaking the mineral in case dust is created. The mineral mustn’t be ingested or licked. In addition, it mustn’t be heated, which might trigger mercury vapor release. Opinions are divided about whether cinnabar is safe to touch. Mercury (ll) sulfide can be absorbed through the skin, but how much is actually absorbed from a lump of cinnabar mineral is unknown. Since there are unanswered questions about the mineral’s safety, it’s best to wear gloves when handling it.
Free Small item - no additional shipping charge for this item
Product Size
6.2 × 1.3 × 1 cm
Product Weight
Shipping size
2.44 × 0.51 × 0.39 cm
Shipping weight
50 g
Old Hu Kai Wen is the most prestigious ink stick manufacturer in China. Old Hu Kai Wen has been making ink in the most traditional way for over 250 years.
Magical…I was born in 1976 the year of the Fire Dragon. The packaging is amazing. I have not use them so judging solely on aesthetics, amazing. And no it not a photoshopped fire or a reflection of fire. The dragons appear to be on fire in every photo I took…love it..,
Highly impressed at the quality and rich color of these Sumi ink sticks! Long lasting, easy to use, beautiful phoenix design! They come with a nice, lined case to store them! Perfect for beginners or experts! Very competitively priced! The Xuan paper included is a very large size, and a great gift! Very professional color kit!
Color Ink Sticks Extraordinaire!
I own this set of color ink sticks from Inkston. I enjoy using these sticks very much. Grinding the color sticks is a meditation for me getting my mind ready to paint. I enjoy this Asian painting tradition. The color you get from these ink sticks is beautiful and strong. Well worth the time of grinding. Inkston is a wonderful company as well. Their products are top quality and they answer any question. I can give them and this product my highest recommendation. You will need an ink stone for grinding your ink as well. I have attached a photo of one of my ink grinding stones.
Recien recibo de parte de AMAZON este precioso estuche que comercializa INKSTON. Se trata de 12 barras de pigmento para diluir con la piedra inkstone. Pigmentos de calidad superior y rendimiento tambien superior.
En mi caso para utilizar como acuarela ( compongo mis propias paletas de colores a partir de este material).
A destacar que el fabricante de este producto es Old Hu Kai Wen, es decir, el primer y mas pretigioso productor de barras de tinta y pigmentos de China. La distribuidora para el mundo entero INKSTON realiza una gran labor al ofrecer a través de su web propia y de AMAZON el amplio surtido de productos de Old Hu Kai Wen y otros de reconocido prestigio.
Agradecido a ambos, a Amazon y a INKSTON por poner a nuestro alcance tan precioso y preciado material de bellas artes.
Volviendo al estuche de las doce barras; cada una mide unos 7,5 cm y pesa unos 30 gr.
Hay seis tonos cálidos ( amarillo-naranja-ocre-marrón- beige y tierra tostada)
Tres tonos de color verde. Un violeta. Un azul y una barra de blanco.
Estoy realizando mezclas entre ellas y la variedad es infinita.
Excelente producto a un precio imbatible.
Gracias. ¡
Heureuse de cet achat
Vraiment très satisfaite de ces encres de qualité supérieure
Les couleurs sont très belles
Je recommande à tous ceux qui aiment le beau
Old Hu Kai Wen Natural Mineral Colours.
I like the colour inksticks very much, they catch the eye, are easy to grind and have rich bright colours with a sophisticated natural look.
You can see immediately that they are high pigmented.
The colours also blend together beautifully!
Pongo 5 estrellas pero el producto merece muchas más.
Las doce barras de colores minerales, son de una calidad extraordinaria. La presentación de lujo. Con esa base de madera realizada a la medida. Insuperable.
En estos momentos he podido probar cuatro de las barras. El resultado está a la altura de las mejores acuarelas europeas. Los colores son algo menos vivos, pero su calidez y espíritu añejo los convierte en únicos. Voy a preparar tinta y a mezclar la entre sí ( diferentes barras de color) , intuyo que los tonos resultantes pueden ser ILIMITADOS.
El embalaje y la entrega perfectos.
Muchas gracias.
Este tipo de productos son EMOCIONANTES.
I have tried the colors on a Red Star double sheet of Xian paper and found that the reds and blues are augmented with a soluble color that bleeds from the basic stroke. the greens only slightly adulterated while the gold yellow is greatly soluble. The chocolate brown. possibly made with a red, bleeds a red color also.
The colors are good but one must allow for the migrating color.
added later,
I must apologize for leading you into believing that the Hu inks bleed!!
It was a mistake in using the Red Star Double paper, which has a open
‘weave’ that allows very small particles of pigment to diffuse away from a
stroke. When I used two machine made and pressed papers the amount of
diffusion was less on one and not at all on the other. Both of the last
papers have a more ‘closed’ but absorbent nature and would have shown
bleeding if it were there.
I apologize to both you and the ink makers at Hu Kaiwen again for my
valerie ariel Van
Very nice, thank you so much and nice packing and quick delivery
Ariel Valerie
Really nice, love the color thank you