五彩凤 Ensemble de 5 Couleurs Phénix Bâtons d’Encre
22.82$ (USD)
Un ensemble de bâtons d’encre 5 couleurs en différentes couleurs, chacun avec une décoration de phénix.
Cinq couleurs: bleu, rouge, blanc, orange, vert.
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Marque | 老胡開文墨莊 Old Hu Kai Wen Ink Workshop Les encres de qualité les plus célèbres en Chine – en savoir plus |
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Livraison | Free Small item - no additional shipping charge for this item |
Poids du produit | 158 |
Dimensions | 16 × 10 × 2.5 cm |
Poids | 236 g |
SKU | ink-ohkwwcf05-7771 |
UPC | 601285835662 |
Discussions récentes dans:Encre de Chine en Bâton de Couleur
Magical…I was born in 1976 the year of the Fire Dragon. The packaging is amazing. I have not use them so judging solely on aesthetics, amazing. And no it not a photoshopped fire or a reflection of fire. The dragons appear to be on fire in every photo I took…love it..,
Fine gold leaf for artistic projects, deepest gratitude.
Really nice, love the color thank you
Very nice, thank you so much and nice packing and quick delivery
I do not understand where this is used for? Layering colors?
Oke thank you!
Riekje Bekkema well yes, there are some references to this on the forums, https://www.inkston.com/community/forums/topic/gelatin-alum-sizing-glues-for-ink-color-and-mounting/ and also https://www.inkston.com/community/forums/topic/paper-mounting-pigment-movement/
Liliane Berthelet Tourtaud Merci! 🙂
je n’y manquerai pas
J’espere a vos commentaires! 🙂
Son un poco duras y cuesta deshacerlas y apenas cubren de color. Son muy bonitas y bien presentadas en su caja. -
Five Stars
good product and well packaged. -
Color Ink Sticks Extraordinaire!
I own this set of color ink sticks from Inkston. I enjoy using these sticks very much. Grinding the color sticks is a meditation for me getting my mind ready to paint. I enjoy this Asian painting tradition. The color you get from these ink sticks is beautiful and strong. Well worth the time of grinding. Inkston is a wonderful company as well. Their products are top quality and they answer any question. I can give them and this product my highest recommendation. You will need an ink stone for grinding your ink as well. I have attached a photo of one of my ink grinding stones. -
Recien recibo de parte de AMAZON este precioso estuche que comercializa INKSTON. Se trata de 12 barras de pigmento para diluir con la piedra inkstone. Pigmentos de calidad superior y rendimiento tambien superior.
En mi caso para utilizar como acuarela ( compongo mis propias paletas de colores a partir de este material).
A destacar que el fabricante de este producto es Old Hu Kai Wen, es decir, el primer y mas pretigioso productor de barras de tinta y pigmentos de China. La distribuidora para el mundo entero INKSTON realiza una gran labor al ofrecer a través de su web propia y de AMAZON el amplio surtido de productos de Old Hu Kai Wen y otros de reconocido prestigio.
Agradecido a ambos, a Amazon y a INKSTON por poner a nuestro alcance tan precioso y preciado material de bellas artes.
Volviendo al estuche de las doce barras; cada una mide unos 7,5 cm y pesa unos 30 gr.
Hay seis tonos cálidos ( amarillo-naranja-ocre-marrón- beige y tierra tostada)
Tres tonos de color verde. Un violeta. Un azul y una barra de blanco.
Estoy realizando mezclas entre ellas y la variedad es infinita.
Excelente producto a un precio imbatible.
Gracias. ¡ -
Heureuse de cet achat
Vraiment très satisfaite de ces encres de qualité supérieure
Les couleurs sont très belles
Je recommande à tous ceux qui aiment le beau -
Five Stars
A beautiful cinnabar ink stick. -
I have tried the colors on a Red Star double sheet of Xian paper and found that the reds and blues are augmented with a soluble color that bleeds from the basic stroke. the greens only slightly adulterated while the gold yellow is greatly soluble. The chocolate brown. possibly made with a red, bleeds a red color also.
The colors are good but one must allow for the migrating color.added later,
I must apologize for leading you into believing that the Hu inks bleed!!
It was a mistake in using the Red Star Double paper, which has a open
‘weave’ that allows very small particles of pigment to diffuse away from a
stroke. When I used two machine made and pressed papers the amount of
diffusion was less on one and not at all on the other. Both of the last
papers have a more ‘closed’ but absorbent nature and would have shown
bleeding if it were there.
I apologize to both you and the ink makers at Hu Kaiwen again for my
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Spectacularly beautiful …love the package.