Jiang SiXu Tang 姜思序堂L’atelier de Jiang SiXu est l’atelier de couleur minérale naturelle le plus prestigieux en Chine et une « marque honorée » de la Chine fournissant les couleurs minérales chinoises de qualité supérieure pour les professionnels depuis plus de 350 ans.
Cinnabar le cinabre ou le vermillon est le sulfure de mercure minéral naturel (HgS). Le mercure inorganique comme le mercure trouvé dans le cinabre est la forme la moins toxique du mercure et a une longue histoire dans la médecine traditionnelle chinoise, le maquillage romain antique, le marquage du front Hindu Bindi et le marquage des cheveux Sindoor, mais il doit toujours être considéré comme toxique et manipulé avec soin, en particulier sous forme de poudre. Les Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies des Etats-Unis disent:
Inorganic Mercury: When eaten in large amounts, some inorganic mercury compounds can be very irritating and corrosive to the digestive system. If repeatedly eaten or applied to the skin over long period of time, some inorganic mercury compounds can cause effects similar to what is seen with long term mercury vapor exposure, including neurological disturbances, memory problems, skin rash, and kidney abnormalities.
There is uncertainty about how poisonous cinnabar is and about the amount required to produce dangerous effects. Scientists generally recommend that we limit our exposure to all mercury compounds, however, including inorganic mercury.
People using cinnabar are warned not to inhale cinnabar dust and to be very careful when breaking the mineral in case dust is created. The mineral mustn’t be ingested or licked. In addition, it mustn’t be heated, which might trigger mercury vapor release. Opinions are divided about whether cinnabar is safe to touch. Mercury (ll) sulfide can be absorbed through the skin, but how much is actually absorbed from a lump of cinnabar mineral is unknown. Since there are unanswered questions about the mineral’s safety, it’s best to wear gloves when handling it.
GHS Statements
GHS07-1: Point d’exclamation
Signal word: Attention
Hazard designation
EUH031: Au contact d’un acide, dégage un gaz toxique.
H317: Peut provoquer une allergie cutanée.
Safety Information
P261: Éviter de respirer les poussières/fumées/gaz/brouillards/vapeurs/aérosols.
P280: Porter des gants de protection/des vêtements de protection/un équipement de protection des yeux/du visage.
P302+P352: EN CAS DE CONTACT AVEC LA PEAU: Laver abondamment à l’eau.
P333+P313: En cas d’irritation ou d’éruption cutanée: consulter un médecin.
So I’m new to Chinese brush painting, and I can’t get this seal paste to work for me. But I’m also willing to consider it could be user error. When I go to tap the seal into the seal paste, it sticks to the seal so much that it doesn’t come away cleanly. It pulls away and leaves a long string, like taffy. I have mixed it with the stick it came with, and I have not added anything to the paste. I’m not sure if it’s the paste, or if it’s me. I’m considering ordering a different shade of red, and just trying again.
An unassuming yet elegant little box that will house a small package of seal paste all right. Great for the low price. Personally, I would prefer it a little bigger so it would be more comfortable to handle the paste, but even this size works.
I tried mixing the red and blue paste to make purple, but it was far too dark without the addition of white paste as well. Minor fail on my part. It seems to me that non-traditional users like me might want more colors than are traditionally available. Just a thought.
I am now using the green seal paste and will for prints in which it offers a good contrasting color. I have a very small chop (平) I use to mark my prints and this green is nice at times, when more red would be too much.
zipigo( client confirmé)
Une très belle couleur!