Red Star 红星 红星 [Hong Xing] or in English “Red Star” is China’s premium brand from China Hong Xing Xuan Paper Group and uses only the finest grade materials and strict quality control process. This is reflected in the price and quality of their products.
Horse Hair Weasel Hair “Wolf” brushes use hair from the Chinese “Yellow mouse wolf” 黄鼠狼 – a type of weasel. Premium Dong Lang Hao “Winter Wolf” brushes use the extra thick hairs produced in the winter in the cold and snowy North East China. The best weasel hair is fine and glistening, smooth and elastic and suitable for both large and small brushes.
Weasel hair is not as quite stiff as rabbit hair but stiffer than wool and combination brushes, so it is preferred for detail work and regular script calligraphy (楷书 Kaishu). Weasel hair has lower absorption rate than wool and the hair is strong & flexible. Therefore, it performs very well on painting dry and ‘bone’ effects and for example for painting tree trunks with dry ink such as su ink. Wolf brushes are easier to control than Wool brushes and so are also recommended for beginners.
The Red Star 点梅 “Prune Dot” Lang Hao “Wolf” Brush is definitely good for detail. In regards of the other reviews, I wonder about the size script they are referring to. For me, when using a typically sized practice square (like the one from the best company in the world, Inkston, of course) this brush is on the small side. For beginners, you may wish to try Inkston’s $8 dollar brush, INKSTON Red Star 狼羊兼毫 (三)Jian Hao “Wolf-Wool” Combination Brush #3.
I recommend this brush for beginners, because it’s weasel hair its more stiff and you have more control. I use it during my classes and all of my students are satisfied with it. If you are more experienced this is also a very nice brush to have. It’s a good price as well and great quality!
Together with the Inkston 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush” Extra Fine Detail LangHao Wolf brush and Inkston 0901WsWl 古法大白云 GuFa Da BaiYun “Traditional White Cloud Large” 兼毫 Jian Hao Combination Brush, this makes an ideal beginner set! This prune dot brush allows for more control than the combination brush and keeps its shape very well when painting. This makes it very good for some detail painting (small details possible, but might be difficult for beginners, for beginners who want to make smaller details such as the flower stem , whiskers, fur, eyes etc, I recommend the flower brush mentioned above)
theorivas( verified owner)
The Red Star 点梅 “Prune Dot” Lang Hao “Wolf” Brush is definitely good for detail. In regards of the other reviews, I wonder about the size script they are referring to. For me, when using a typically sized practice square (like the one from the best company in the world, Inkston, of course) this brush is on the small side. For beginners, you may wish to try Inkston’s $8 dollar brush, INKSTON Red Star 狼羊兼毫 (三)Jian Hao “Wolf-Wool” Combination Brush #3.