It is made by the best Chinese brush craftsmen who have had over 40 years brush making experiences. It is perfect for cursive, semi-cursive, and regular script. It also has very great performance for abstract and flower & animal paintings.
Weasel Hair “Wolf” brushes use hair from the Chinese “Yellow mouse wolf” 黄鼠狼 – a type of weasel. Premium Dong Lang Hao “Winter Wolf” brushes use the extra thick hairs produced in the winter in the cold and snowy North East China. The best weasel hair is fine and glistening, smooth and elastic and suitable for both large and small brushes.
Weasel hair is not as quite stiff as rabbit hair but stiffer than wool and combination brushes, so it is preferred for detail work and regular script calligraphy (楷书 Kaishu). Weasel hair has lower absorption rate than wool and the hair is strong & flexible. Therefore, it performs very well on painting dry and ‘bone’ effects and for example for painting tree trunks with dry ink such as su ink. Wolf brushes are easier to control than Wool brushes and so are also recommended for beginners.
写意画 Freehand Painting 写意 XieYi, literally “draw meaning” also known as “enjoyable style” is a freehand impressionistic style able to create an impression from few strokes, the opposite of GongBi detail painting.
Inkston 0601Ws 经典狼毫大 Large Classic Lang Hao Wolf Brush
Très souple et fluide sur le papier. J attends de recevoir dans la même game le plus fin le 0603.
The Inkston 0602Ws 经典狼毫中 Medium Classic Lang Hao Wolf Brush, is a very good and versatile brush. I love using it to paint goldfish, and it should also work well for making bamboo leaves. The tip is thin enough to make details, but that does require practice, if you are new to painting it might be good to also get a smaller brush for the details, the Inkston 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush” Extra Fine Detail LangHao Wolf brush is also perfect for this. And if you want to make even more details the Red Star 紫露 (红) Lux Zi Hao Rabbit Brush (Red) is also very good.
One of my favorite two brushes , it absorbs a lot of liquid and has a nice flow when painting. In combination with the redstar prunedot and the Inkston 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush” Extra Fine Detail LangHao Wolf brush , you will have a good set of brushes to start off with! The size is also very versatile making it ideal for beginners.
Very good and easy to handle brush. I use it for a lot of detail work such as eyes, stems of flowers, and insect painting. It also works well to paint small patches of fur.
I totally recommend this shop, great customer service, wonderful products, I bought many brushes and they are all great. But this one in particular was not exactly my favorite. I´m not an expert, but I find it too soft, as it is a combination brush I expected something different. After making preasure with the tip it doesn´t spring back and stays bended, not was i was looking for, but it can be useful for other things 🙂
Merci pour le sérieux des suivis de commande. J’ai reçu la mienne ce matin, je suis ravie de la qualité des pinceaux. Je passerai une nouvelle commande avec plaisir et recommande ce site.
I’m new to Chinese brush painting, and this is a great set to start with. The brushes are well made, and continue to keep their points. My only recommendation to other new painters, is to also buy a purely goat hair brush- which is something I ended up ordering later.
Ho intenzione di utilizzarli per l’arte giapponese (Suminagashi marbled paper)
Le tradizioni sono importanti per non dimenticare da dove veniamo e dove stiamo andando.
Grazie Inkston
Beautifully made and great quality, I bought my first Inkston brush months ago and I haven’t bought any brushes from anywhere else. Easily my favorite art supplies.
Encantada con este pincel que te permite hacer lineas muy finas. Es un pincel de alta calidad. He comprado varios productos de Inkston y me queda claro que es una empresa que ofrece productos muy buenos y a un precio razonable. Los recomiendo.
Encantada con este pincel que te permite hacer lineas muy finas. No tira pelo. No se deforma la punta. He comprado varios productos de Inkston y me queda claro que es una empresa que ofrece productos de alta calidad. Los recomiendo.
Soy principiante en la técnica oriental y este pincel me ha venido muy bien, me encanta porque absorbe justo la cantidad de agua que yo necesito para mis pinceladas. También me gusta que a pesar de que lo uso tanto no se deforma ni tira pelo. Alta calidad. Lo recomiendo.
Beautiful, high quality brush set – love it. Awesome customer service as well; very friendly and extremely quick in replying questions. I wouldn’t hesitate ordering at Inkston again!
Bonjour, j’aime bien ce pinceau pour la calligraphie japonaise.
C’était mon premier achat chez Inkston et je trouve important de souligner le professionnalisme du personnel du service à la clientèle de Inkston à Shanghai. À la réception de ma commande, j’ai réalisé que le manche du pinceau était brisé. J’ai immédiatement envoyé un courriel, avec une photo, au service à la clientèle à Shanghai. Le lendemain matin, j’ai reçu un courriel m’offrant de remplacer le pinceau ou de me rembourser. J’ai demandé qu’on me renvoie un nouveau pinceau. J’ai donc reçu,12 jours après, un nouveau pinceau avec un cadeau pour le désagrément. Enfin, j’ai trouvé que les deux personnes du services à clientèle,que j’ai contacté, étaient très courtoises et qu’ il était très facile de trouver un arrangement.
Bon matériel et service impeccable.
Me gusta mucho este pincel de combinación de pelo de cabra e interior de comadreja. Retiene mucho agua y al mismo tiempo conserva afilada la punta sin deformarse. La utilizo para pintura en estilo Xieyi
I am really satisfied with this Inkston 0305WsWl 北海云雾 Beihai Yunwu “North lake mist” Extra-large 兼毫 Jian Hao Combination Brush. Mixed hair brushes are suitable for beginners or even well skiled calligraphers. Weasel hair hold brush pont straight and lyer of goat hair gives softnes to the brush. This brush is suitable for regular and cursive script. Also the handle of brush is made of hard wood, so brush has good weight and It’s perfect for holding during calligraphy or painting. My recommendation for this brush from Inkston.
The brushes were absolutely amazing. I was really impressed with the fine line brushes and the packaging for them with their own individual cases. The lines formed with those brushes are very nice and I’m excited to use them in my next piece!
This brush is a stiff type. It holds the point extremely well to create strong, sharp lines. For the gong bi style, this brush is good for long lines, leaf veins, flower branches, and so on. I enjoy using this for details and when I want to create lines with a “dry bone” effect. Think plum blossom branches (Google is your friend). It has been perfect for the above uses so far.
I ordered this one along with the medium and small version. It works as intended, the brushes hold their water and keep their tip with a spring. It is also flexible and distributes colors well.
This is the another brush (beside 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush”) which I use everyday. A real good friend. I recommend it to everyone – and it’s a basic item, so you must have one
I use this brush almost every day. It’s possible to create strokes thinner then a human hair. The brush-hair is firm enough to make confident strokes (I am not an advanced user) After three months of usage still no signs of wear and tear. It’s a valuable tool.
Très bon pinceau
Je ne suis pas déçue de mon achat car il correspond à mes attentes concernant sa finesse
J aime dessiner des fleurs avec. Très souple pour dessiner les pétales la réserve d eau est très bonne
Muy buena calidad
Muy contento. Lo utilizo para acuarela. Llevo varios meses usándolo y funciona perfectamente.
Muy recomendable por su punta, muy fina y al mismo tiempo puede funcionar como pincel plano.
D’excellente qualité et présentation ce pinceau est un régal pour le travail à l encre comme à l aquarelle
Le travail peut être fin comme plus large
Muy buena calidad
Muy contento. Lo utilizo para acuarela. Llevo varios meses usándolo y funciona perfectamente.
Muy recomendable por su punta, muy fina y al mismo tiempo puede funcionar como pincel plano.