超细纯松烟 Prime Suie de Pin Bâton d’Encre

44.34$ (USD)

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Grade: Prime

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Les encres de qualité les plus célèbres en Chine – en savoir plus


松烟 (Song Yan) El noir de fumée de pin est un type très ancien d’encre à base de noir de carbone avec une couleur foncée noire naturelle mat très riche, préférée pour la peinture, à la fois pour exprimer la profondeur et l’espace dans la peinture de paysage Shanshui et des détails tels que les poils sur les peintures de portrait. La fumée du pin sert également à imiter les anciens styles de calligraphie.

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Livraison Free
Small item - no additional shipping charge for this item
Taille du produit 12 × 3.5 × 1 cm
Poids du produit 67
SKU ohkwcxcsy00
asin B01N3RDPT1
asinusa B01N3RDPT1

Discussions récentes dans:松烟 Noir Mat (Suie du Pin)

  • I can’t find fault with this item at all. nice flow of ink and do not see imperfections.

  • Gorgeous classic Pine Soot Inkstick from a deeply trusted artisan and shop, so very grateful. Yan’s products are universally superb, and his integrity, professionalism, clarity and warm, professional communication are invaluable and memorable~ bringing beauty and grace to our Family and home and for my colleagues to whom they have been gifted.

  • Lovely ink, smokey blue. Fast delivery!

  • Boxed, exceptionally handsome, decorated, classic ink stick of fine quality, from a trusted Etsy seller with excellent integrity and quality of products~ deeply grateful.

  • Estoy satisfecha con esta barra de tinta. Al diluirla frotàndola en la piedra emerge una fragancia muy agradable. La tinta tiene una tonalidad bastante oscura, se logran tonalidades de grises lindos. Comprare otra vez.

  • 轻胶 might be better translated as « light glue », which most likely means that the ink contains « less » glue in proportion to soot. I don’t know how it compares to She Hukaiwen’s other products, and a lot of modern ink is on the light side anyway. I got this one many months ago and finally got across to trying it. In sum, I don’t like it, but I suppose you get what you pay for.

    This ink is a bit gritty to grind, and the grinding surface has small pores. The resulting liquid has a pungent, chemical smell (borneol?). The color is fairly neutral, not blue. Painting performance is not great: light ink is muddy, and black tends to gray when dry. It could improve somewhat with a few years in storage, but it’s not a high-grade ink anyway. Useful for practice and learning to understand pine soot.

    • I have the same inkstick and mine does not smell more chemical than the others.
      I still have a thousand autumn, green tea oil soot inkstick, a Quin soot ink stick and a few very cheap ones.
      Mine also has a very even surface for grinding. Without coarser particles.

      The Ink can not be blue either, because it is sooty pine resin and this is a bit cold gray when you dilute it.
      Oil soot is warm gray, except when, for example, some green tea has been added then it has a slightly greenish gray.
      I think you got one that has somehow slipped through quality control.

      Kind regards

    • As an additional comment, the grit is not harmless – I did manage to scratch my inkstone with this stick (thankfully, just a cheap student piece). –1 star from the original review.

  • Very nice ink – lovely fragrance – goes down smooth and strong. Highly recommended!

  • Parfait, je l’utilise pour l’enluminure aussi… c’est du luxe ! je me suis fait plaisir

  • what a treat! the ink is so worth the few extra dollars. beautiful in every respect. came well protected in packaging, too.

  • This is the first ink stick I have purchased. I have previously used bottle inks. The stick grinds very smoothly and produces a lovely rich ink. On double Xuan paper it produces a nice neutral Matt black colour, and diluted produces subtle, nuanced tones. Smells great too!!

  • Lo recomiendo
    Muy satisfecho con la compra. Es una novedad para mi, a los que nos gusta la pintura es una nueva experiecia.

  • Original Ink
    I am a student from China and I am looking for some ink sticks to take back for they are hard to make and come back in it’s original country. This is sturdy and it’s black! Great to use for calligraphy! If you do not know how to make the ink into your texture using the traditional method DO NOT GET THIS!

  • question de taille
    produit conforme à la photo et au descriptif mais je n’avais pas pris garde à la taille d’où une mauvaise surprise quand j’ai reçu le bâton… 4 fois moins de matière que dans un bâton d’encre tel qu’on le trouve usuellement dans le commerce… Je souligne donc ce point pour ceux qui seraient comme moi marqués par le prix car c’est de fait au final une fausse bonne affaire comparé à ce qu’on peut trouver en commerce.

  • Buena barra! Compra verificada

    Barra de muy buena consistencia y perfectamente embalada. En mi caso viene con papel Sumi de muestra, lo cual agradezco. El tamaño de la barra es adecuado, ni muy grande, ni muy pequeña y el granulado del hollín es super fino, así que no se nota al fabricar la tinta ni obstruye las plumillas. 10/10

  • Una tinta muy apetecible. Negro mate intenso, buena gama de tonos grises. Olor fuerte pero agradable. Buena para tinta Su. Fina y delicada. Volveré a comprar.

  • Super Qualität

    Duftet angenehm nach Erde. Die Tusche wird schön flüssig ohne zu klumpen. Der Stein ist ausserdem sehr ergiebig. 5 Sterne wie gewohnt

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