Zhao Mengfu, 赵孟頫 1254 – 1322, was one of the most famous and important calligrapher and painter in Chinese art history. He lived in the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368) and was a descendant of the Song Dynasty’s (960–1279) imperial family. INKSTON organized a collection of some of his best paintings.
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[…] 怎样画菊(国画菊花技法) MVI 5126南菁書法學會─黃素梅副理事長於興安教室現場示範竹葉畫法. For Teacher's Pets. Chinese brush painting basics – gold fish. 儿童线描教案大全:儿童基础线描装饰画知识及线描图片(2)_儿童学画画_绘画入门_我爱画画网. Takayuki Shinohara. Takayuki Shinohara. Katsushika hokusai. 水墨画 竹 (Sumie1) Morning Glory or Bell Flower Sumie Painting – 朝顔 – How to draw Lotus Flower sumi-e Chinese Painting #2. Morning Glory or Bell Flower Sumie Painting – 朝顔 – Zhao Mengfu Paintings – Inkston. […]
[…] Zhao Mengfu paintings uses RoboGallery for the same effect: the mouseover effects are nice and it’s great at minimizing initial load and trying to load just what you need. However the just-in-time loading doesn’t work so well on slow connections and you more often get pauses waiting for something to be displayed. Also Robogallery heavily tied into wordpress, while at the same time not correctly integrated with wordpress native image management functionality. […]
Beautiful, did some of his script with the book I’ve bought here!